Waves..Cold Water…And Building Your Business

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Today as I sit here at the ocean with my family on vacation and watching all the people in the water it made me think of something as it relates to business and specifically your Insurance Business.  I watch as hundreds of kids run and jump into the water, no fear, no doubt in their mind, no questions about the …

How To Get Your Clients To Call You….When You Have No Way To Reach Them

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Inevitably in every business and particularly in your Insurance Agency you have a percentage of your clients that you cannot reach.  The phone number you have for them is incorrect, you don’t have an accurate email address, they are not on social media, etc.  Yet, in order for you to expand your Agency and capitalize on all the opportunities within …

How To Make A Sales Call That Makes You Different

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

How you present yourself during the first Sales call is crucial.  In the Insurance Industry this is what I have found to be the most typical opening line, “Hello, this is John.  I’m with XYZ Insurance Company, and we are a Top Rated Insurance Company in your area.”  That is your opening statement, maybe what you were trained to do …

Are You Marketing To The Right Prospects? The Five Power Disqualifiers

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

The “80/20 Sales and Marketing” by Perry Marshall continues to bring me immense insight into Sales, Marketing, Principles and Processes. Today, I share with you the concept of “Disqualification” as it pertains to your target market audience.  In the book, Perry Marshall explains the “The Five Power Disqualifiers” utilize these tools when determining your target audience and you can reduce …

Saturdays, A Day To Close Your Office….OR IS IT??

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Happy Saturday…weekend…a break from work OR is it?  You have probably become accustom to taking off from work on Saturday and Sunday and working your Insurance Agency/Business Monday-Friday. I get it, I am not much different than most of you that are reading this message today.  Yet, as a follow-up to my conversation yesterday “Think Like Your Customer..Not Like Yourself”, …

Referrals-How To Ask For Them & How To Receive Them!!!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

“Referrals – The best marketing program available today.” Quality referrals are warm people to contact with whom you will already have credibility. Credibility naturally occurs because you are being referred by a friend or family member.  Other prospecting methods, such as advertising, direct mail and cold calling will produce results.  However, the cost to benefit ratios of these methods will not …

How To Produce Every Week, The Same Way You Do 48 Hours Before Your Vacation Starts!!!!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Urgency and the production that it creates is AMAZING.  In our Industry, Insurance and like many other Sales Industries we deal with commission cut-off dates, production and incentive cut-offs, etc.   Yet, what I have found is that PRODUCERS produce and strive to PUSH to their limits up to the last hour of those cut-offs.  Today, the focus of my conversation …

The Power Triangle and How It Relates to Your Business OR Career

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

As I continue with you my further research into the book, “80/20 Sales and Marketing” by Perry Marshall, he is educating me on a simple concept that will apply to all of us in the Insurance Industry. The Power Triangle: The three sides/steps to selling anything.  The first step is getting traffic: You gotta get human bodies, eyes, and ears, to sell to—without …