Are you an Automated Agency OR an Antiquated Agency?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Have you ever been sitting behind your computer screen and you get that DEJA VU feeling?  Like I have sent this email before, I have sent this same exact follow-up message,  I have sent the same thank you email, the same birthday greeting and/or even this same holiday message?  If you have felt this feeling it is probably your reality …

2020 Virtual Agency…VIDEO IS THE KEY to success!!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

BombBomb Video Email Course for Insurance Agents…HERE!! This year I have been doubling down on my Agencies to help them through the chaos of 2020. COVID-19, Rising Unemployment, Wildfires, Business Shutdowns and so much more. And through all of this the Insurance Agencies that are surviving and THRIVING are those that have adapted to a Virtual Environment. Zoom, Webex, GoToMeeting …