How To Make A Sales Call That Makes You Different

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

How you present yourself during the first Sales call is crucial.  In the Insurance Industry this is what I have found to be the most typical opening line, “Hello, this is John.  I’m with XYZ Insurance Company, and we are a Top Rated Insurance Company in your area.”  That is your opening statement, maybe what you were trained to do …

Are You Marketing To The Right Prospects? The Five Power Disqualifiers

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

The “80/20 Sales and Marketing” by Perry Marshall continues to bring me immense insight into Sales, Marketing, Principles and Processes. Today, I share with you the concept of “Disqualification” as it pertains to your target market audience.  In the book, Perry Marshall explains the “The Five Power Disqualifiers” utilize these tools when determining your target audience and you can reduce …

Saturdays, A Day To Close Your Office….OR IS IT??

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Happy Saturday…weekend…a break from work OR is it?  You have probably become accustom to taking off from work on Saturday and Sunday and working your Insurance Agency/Business Monday-Friday. I get it, I am not much different than most of you that are reading this message today.  Yet, as a follow-up to my conversation yesterday “Think Like Your Customer..Not Like Yourself”, …

Referrals-How To Ask For Them & How To Receive Them!!!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

“Referrals – The best marketing program available today.” Quality referrals are warm people to contact with whom you will already have credibility. Credibility naturally occurs because you are being referred by a friend or family member.  Other prospecting methods, such as advertising, direct mail and cold calling will produce results.  However, the cost to benefit ratios of these methods will not …

Do You Have To Be The Lowest Price?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea 1 Comment

One of the biggest challenges you face in the Insurance Industry (or any business for that matter) is that competition is fierce!!!  Does your Company and/or Product represent the “lowest price” in the Market?  I highly doubt that it does, which leaves the question that you must answer, DO YOU HAVE TO HAVE THE LOWEST PRICE TO WIN? I did …