Technology Is Your Friend!!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

As I got ready to sit down and write today’s blog, I reflected on the changes in our world and in our lives as it relates to time, technology and social advances. Also, I was posed a question from one of my students that opened up the need for this conversation.

“How do I do marketing, quoting, closing, cross-selling and retention within my Agency face to face?” The answer…..YOU DON’T!!! Now some of you just fell out of your seat because you were trained, developed, mentored and coached around the importance of face to face meetings in your Insurance practice. Well, times have changed. People are extremely busy, limited in time and utilize different means to communicate outside of just traditional Face To Face interactions. I am here to tell you that if you have not grasped this concept and realized that you must utilize technology to communicate with your prospects and clients, you are going to struggle to survive.

Some may argue that technology has been a negative to our world and that because of it people are more disconnected. I argue the exact opposite, in that technology when utilized properly allows all of us to connect more rapidly, more simply and more often that traditional Face To Face techniques ever allowed. You must begin to utilize cell phones, text messaging, email, social media and VIDEO EMAIL to communicate your message to your prospects and clients. This entire process begins with a simple question that must become part of your dialogue with every prospect and/or client. “Mr./Mrs. Prospect how would you best like to be communicated with: face-to-face, phone, text, email or social media (Facebook messenger etc.)?” Once you know this crucial information you have opened up the opportunity to utilize the means necessary to communicate with them THE WAY THEY WANT TO BE COMMUNICATED WITH!

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: When is the last time you tried a new communication medium with your prospects/clients? When if ever have you asked your prospects/clients how they wish to be communicated with? Which new platform of technology could you utilize to communicate differently with your clients? HERE ARE TWO IDEAS TO CHECK OUT: TEXT FROM COMPUTER CLICK HERE

Also, check out video email via the program I utilize called BombBomb, this link will get you 14 Day Free Trial: CLICK HERE

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