The Client Review….Your #1 KEY to Long Term Success (Part 1 of 2)

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

As I continue to develop this Daily Blog page and gather information from my Subscribers, a common thread has been coming through recently, “How To Do A Client Review”

Let me first say, I will be making this a Video based training in the next couple weeks…SO KEEP YOUR EYES OUT FOR THAT.Β  At the same time I did not want you to have to wait for that content to get started.

In our Industry, I don’t care if you have one (1) client or if you have ten thousand (10,000) clients YOU HAD BETTER HAVE A SYSTEMATIC PROCESS FOR CLIENT REVIEWS.Β  This is by far and beyond the #1 Differentiator to your Agency versus your competition.Β  Our Product offerings are designed to meet the every changing lives of our clients be that Life Insurance, Health Insurance, Disability, Property & Casualty, Small Business or Financial Services.Β  The product you sold today was for your CLIENT TODAY and will not be structured and constant for your SAME CLIENT TOMORROW!Β  This is a point you cannot miss soΒ  I will repeat it.Β Β The Product you sold today was for your CLIENT TODAY and will not be structured and constant for your SAME CLIENT TOMORROW!

So knowing that where do you start?Β  A simple easy concept to grasp and implement today is the process in which you schedule those reviews.Β  I will give you here, two simple ideas to assure all CLIENTS ARE REVIEWED at least once per year:

  1. Sort Clients by Alphabet, Last Name order (26 letters in Alphabet, 2-3 letters per month and you will see all clients throughout 12 month cycle) i.e A-C January, D-F February
  2. Clients by Renewal/Anniversary Date

Once you determine this process you must answer the following question for yourself (don’t worry I will give you the answer).Β  Β Will my Client Reviews be a Sales Call?

ABSOLUTELY NOT IS THE CORRECT ANSWER.Β Β No one ever likes to be sold and they sense a Sales Call from miles away….like blood in the water to a Shark!Β  The goal of your Client reviews is simply this:

  • Strengthen/solidify the Agent/Client Relationship
  • Explain Current Coverages (even on Products your Agency doesn’t currently hold)
  • Explore Customer Needs and/or Life Changes
  • Identify Gaps/Expose Potential Problems

A good client review would leave your client knowing that they are cared for, they are more knowledgable and also a bit uncomfortable (that is where the Sales come from)

Thus far you have a system of how you will reach out to your Clients, the goal of the Client Review and the next step is the initial contact.Β  Here is a Sample Script I have utilized that has been effective and it works as a phone call, email message and even a text message (best results come from phone call)

Hi, Mr. Client, this is ____________ from XYZ Company.Β  How are you today?Β  I am so glad to be speaking with you today as my call is about the best part of my job with my clients.Β  The reason I am calling today is because a feature of being a member of my Insurance Agency andΒ  the reason you chose to do business with us, is that we offer ALL of our clients the opportunity for an annual review of their Insurance products.Β  Not only the products you have with us but any Insurance products that you have that you would like to have reviewed by myself or my professional team.Β  We will make sure all of your coverages are up to date and that you are receiving all discounts that you could be entitled to.Β  Let me assure you of two important facts;

  1. This Insurance review is not a Sales presentation, in fact unless you are needing to purchase a product today I will keep our focus on a review of all your Insurance products and help to uncover any gaps or recommendations that we can discuss at a later meeting if we both agree it is needed.
  2. Secondly, my Clients are busy people and we can usually complete your review in 20-30 minutes unless you find you would like additional time.

I have Tuesday or Thursday available?Β  Would morning or afternoon, work best for you?Β  (narrow down their choices for higher probability to set appointment)

If you only started here, I can assure you that you are miles ahead of most of your competition.Β  At this point you have this part of the process started;

  1. Systematic way to reach out to your Client Base (Alphabet or Renewal/Anniversary Date)
  2. Reason for the Client Review
  3. Sample Script to set Client Review Appointment

Tomorrow I will follow up on some simple questioning to run through in the actual Client Review.Β  It will be very high level, because I need you all to know.Β  THERE IS NO RIGHT OR WRONG WAY TO DO A CLIENT REVIEW.Β  The only wrong way is to not be doing them.Β  Your clients deserve them and your Professional responsibility is to look out for the best interests of your clients not only at initial purchase but throughout the life of their business with your Agency.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:Β  Do you have, truly a systematic measurable system for implementing and assuring Client reviews are performed?Β  Are you going into every Client review with the hope of selling another product?Β  If so, do you think your client is picking up on that energy?Β  Ask your new clients, when was their last Insurance review?Β  The answer will tell you that you will be unique if your Agency truly offers this, systematic, regularly and with passion for the Client first?Β  How will you feel if your 20 year client experiences a Life Altering loss, and they have the same coverages you gave them when they were 20 years old, no assets, no kids, no home, nothing to lose and NOW ARE AT RISK OF LOSING IT ALL?Β  This scenario applies to all lines of Insurance….DON’T GET YOURSELF WRONG.Β  Our moral responsibility is to our Clients protection TODAY, TOMORROW AND FOR HOWEVER LONG THEY CHOOSE TO DO BUSINESS WITH US!

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