THE END, 2018..How Was Your Year?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea 1 Comment

I woke up this morning like many of you and realized it is the 1st day of business in December, 2018!  Another year has gone past us and we are only 22 days away from Christmas.

All of this realization made me think about our Industry and the patterns of pushing hard for the final month of the year to finish strong.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with pushing hard to finish your year strong, yet what I believe is wrong is the high tendency of Insurance Agents to NOT KNOW IF THEIR YEAR WAS A SUCCESS!

Think about this, do you have in your Agency a measurable system to track if you were a SUCCESS or NOT?  Did you have a written plan for your Agency for 2018, where you can reflect back in this month and see if you were successful?  If you are like most Agents I know and/or have worked with you simply write Insurance policies and work hard YET  have no plan or vision of what your Agency success looks like.

Did you make more revenue this year? (Net Revenue)

Did you make more personal income this year (Take Home Pay)

Did you expand your TEAM this year?

Did you grow your Premium Base?

If you are like most Agents that I know, you have no idea where you started from at the beginning of this year, no PLAN of where you wanted to go and so then just another year went past and you are not sure if you are SUCCESSFUL in your Agency.

If you can relate to any part of this message….WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO DIFFERENT IN 2019 TO CAUSE A DIFFERENT RESULT?

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:  Was 2018 the year you thought it would be for your Agency?  Are you happy with the results of your Agency for 2018?  Or are you not even sure what your results were because you did not have a PLAN or SYSTEM to track?  If you are HONEST with yourself, are you doing anything different for 2019, so you gain a different result?  Are you an Agency Owner or an Insurance Agent?  The major difference is that one plans like a Business Owner and the other just sells Insurance Products!  Which of these two do you truly long to be?  And if it is an Agency Owner, where are you going to find help so 2019 is different BECAUSE YOU BECOME DIFFERENT?

I have been quiet on my Daily Messages because I have been developing some solutions to help you become that Agency Owner you long to be.  STAY TUNED.

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