The Inadvertent Approach Brings Direct Results…. A MESSAGE FROM A CERTIFIED LIFE COACH

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Today’s message is from the Owner/Developer of 85/15 Lifestyle, Certified Life Coach and MY WIFE Jeanette Lucero

Take a few minutes to understand how:  “The Inadvertent Approach Brings Direct Results”

We all have wants. We ALL have something that we see that we KNOW we are supposed to achieve. Yet MOST of us cannot figure out how to get there and what is stopping us. We ALL know what we need to do to get there, yet we go through trial and error over and over only ending up not achieving what we want. Why? Why can we not seem to do what we know we need to do? Why?

As a Life Coach who has coached individuals in exactly the subject at hand, “what is holding you back”, I have sat in hours upon hours of coaching sessions with clients, literally hearing my clients verbatim saying the same exact thing. “I know what I need to do, but I can’t seem to do it. I feel dumb, alone, lost, stuck and overwhelmed”. This, in my career is a daily conversation, HOW TO GET UNSTUCK AND ACHIEVE WHAT YOU WANT! I have to say it is the ultimate to see folks FINALLY get unstuck! BUT HOW do we get them there???

There is, if you will, a “recipe”. When it comes to coaching clients I learned that there is almost never an easy way for them to achieve their goals, as far as the actual work goes, but that there is a SIMPLE way of going about it. Sounds contradicting, right? Well stick with me here because there’s no such thing as coincidences, in other words you are here for a reason.

Here is the MASSIVELY SUCCESSFUL APPROACH I use to helping clients get unstuck…

The Inadvertent Approach, Brings Direct Results!!!

I have sat with client year over year who come to me for weight loss, bettering a relationship, increased finances, deepened spirituality etc. THEY ALL want something and can’t see how to get there. It isn’t UNTIL they allow themselves to open up in the safe space I’ve created to finally feel free to express their REAL TRUTH. There, Within the REAL TRUTH is the secret recipe to success.

I then ask my clients to do something they almost always find scary and confusing…at first. I ask them to put aside their initial reason and goal for coming to me as a Life Coach, and begin focusing on the little aches and pains that came up in coaching time. For example; Julie comes to me for 15 lbs. weight loss. She expresses how 15 lbs. would truly change her life. She would be more confident, fit in her clothes better, think more clearly etc. But what Julie does not see, just like many of us, is the REAL reason she is wearing that 15 lbs. in the first place. After Julie begins to open up about her life we discover that she is actually carrying around some baggage on how she feels in her career. She knows she is performing at sub-par standards and it is deeply affecting her confidence, which only leads her to eating. The approach we use with Julie is truly what sets her free and that is to STOP focusing on the weight for a minimum of 3-weeks. YEP, she pays me to tell her to stop focusing on the weight and focus on bettering her career connection FIRST. We draft Julie up a plan for healing the little nuances in daily life around work and clearing out the things that are bothering her on an either low level basis, or a higher level basis. Oh and by the way, I would ask Julie to continue eating just like she does for a minimum of 3-weeks. What happens next is where the real magic happens in “The Inadvertent Approach Brings Direct Results”.

After just 1 week Julie comes back feeling a grand sense of peace. She feels like she can breath for the first time in a long time and pressure has been released. It is incredible to say the least to watch on the other side of the chair or phone.

You see, what happens in our lives is we begin to tolerate things we don’t like, things we don’t agree with, things that won’t fit for the future we truly want. Things like not going after those leads, not completing tasks, putting off things, allowing treatment from others we don’t agree with etc. Then over time these little pains begin to add up in to pressure in our lives. Pressure of stuffing it back down each and every time.Pressure of accepting less than what we want for ourselves. Then, over time, we begin to see what we want in our lives and because we are so full of these little daily pains, we LITERALLY have no battery left to place energy towards the bigger goal, let alone the clear mind to focus on the right actions toward it. So when I ask the client to begin cleaning up the daily pains, it suddenly frees up brain space, retracts back more energy and overall gives them a renewed sense of peace and hope! It is miraculous to say the least, and works.

So trust me when I say, YOU TOO can find success using this recipe because I have yet to meet a person who does not have a goal and cannot see straight to it. Even if that goal is a small goal.

“The Inadvertent Approach Brings Direct Results”. Find what is REALLY bothering you, face it, change it and watch your goals and dreams become a streamlined!! PERIOD!

Brought to you today from Jeanette Lucero,

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