A very high percentage of my readers that are reading this message right now are “Insurance Agents” so I hope I got your attention.
The marketplace has changed and I am here to tell you that it no longer wants or demands an Insurance Agent-that man/woman that sells Insurance. That should scare you….BUT don’t quit just yet!
There is a major difference in an “Insurance Agent” and the solution, a “Insurance Agency.” The Insurance Agency is the model of demand from the marketplace that YOU MUST create to thrive and expand in this Industry.
An “Insurance Agent” sells Insurance AND an “Insurance Agency” runs a business that serves clients and their needs around Insurance! Suttle differences in name YET major differences in purpose. Our world, our marketplace has made EVERYTHING accessible 24/7 and the expectation is that on every Industry, Insurance is no different. If you are an Insurance Agent you cannot compete in this environment, you must establish a Team, Customer Service at peak levels, Sales at peak levels, availability for your clients when and the ways they need it. I challenge you to look in the mirror today and answer this question: Are you an Insurance Agent or an Insurance Agency?
THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: How many Companies do you deal with today that have only one (1) person that can assist you? How many hours do you have in a week as an Insurance Agent, (168 hours)? How many hours in a week does an Insurance Agency have, (unlimited)? We are all limited in the save resource….TIME. Do not limit your business by being the only source of TIME for your clients, duplicate your time by building an Agency. I assure you that your clients/prospects expect a business that serves their time, not that your time serves them!
John Lucero, is a successful business owner with over 20 years of experience in multi-line insurance agency operations for several major National Brands. With an expertise in Recruiting, Educating, Coaching, Developing and Product Knowledge, his passion and drive to ELEVATE Insurance Agencies to higher levels of success is what keeps him inspired about the future and motivated about making a difference.
Comments 1
Right on point. In my agency we work diligently to show our value proposition to our clients. We answer the phones live, we offer annual insurance reviews, we have a claims follow up process, and on and on the list of our services goes.