The Power of The Client Survey….THE TRUTH SETS US ALL FREE!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

In our world today how often do you hear these words after every transaction, “Thank you for your time today, you will receive an email/call about my service today, if you could please answer that survey and is there anything I could do for you that would help me earn a 10 from you on that survey?”

Every Industry, every Company utilizes some type of Customer Survey process and generates what has become known in the marketplace as a “Net Promoter Score”  are your customers/clients promoters or detractors of your Company.  How do you feel about this?  HONESTLY!

I feel like many Insurance Professionals that I communicate with have mixed feelings when it comes to this type of survey and I believe it is for ONE main reason, the Company and/or Carrier is performing these surveys on your clients and you have no control over the process.  SO MY RECOMMENDATION, TAKE BACK THE CONTROL.

Millions of dollars is spent in the process of improving and enhancing the Customer Experience across all Industries.  There is proven value in feedback from customers.  YET, I am a bit of a cynic when it comes to surveys, I want to hear the negative surveys more than I do the positive!  Why?  I am a Small Business Owner like most of you reading this message and my goals in business are primarily two things:

  1. Constant growth in revenue
  2. Constant learning

I cannot accomplish these two goals without having a  pulse on my clients and the areas in which they would like to see improvement.  If all I hear is “Rainbows and Unicorns” that gives me no opportunity to expand, to learn, to grow and ultimately improve my business.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:  Don’t like that your Carrier/Company is surveying your clients, SURVEY THEM YOURSELF?  It is simple to create a survey using MailChimp, Survey Monkey etc.  and you can make it anonymous.  Afraid to hear the truth and face the reality of the experience your clients/customers are having, then you should probably not be an Insurance Agency Owner!  Of course, there will always be areas outside your control; rates, products, claims etc.  BUT there is much that is in your control.  Think about those times in life that you experienced the most rapid and expansive growth AND  it is probably tied to a disappointment, defeat or failure that happened to you that gave you FRESH PERSPECTIVE.  I am in the process of developing a survey for my clients (my Agency Owners I coach and manage) and I am prepared for tough feedback YET I know I stay in fantasy if I don’t ask and listen to the feedback of my customers/clients.  MY CHALLENGE FOR YOU TODAY IS TO CREATE A SURVEY FOR YOUR CLIENTS….FROM YOU….FOR YOU.  

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