The Power Outside Of The “I”

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Four days until Christmas 2018. Crazy traffic, insane lines, rushed drivers, last minute shopping, focused on ourselves and our family and trying to get everything done.

Yet, there is no better time than during this time of year to evaluate the POWER when we use our “EYES” to look outside of “I”. Our Business/Agency and our Personal/Family lives are magnified and satisfied in the moments we look outside of just ourselves! We have all heard the saying, “There is no “I” in TEAM.” I believe there is an even better saying that is a reflection of the life we are all called to lead….”THERE IS NO “I” IN WORLD! Our world is created, designed and exists because of the many “I’s” that make up the world.

I challenge you as you enjoy this holiday season to look outside of yourself, to get outside of “I”. And recognize the incredible power you possess when you lose sight of yourself and open your “eyes” to the other “I’s” of this world.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: In your life imagine your happiest and most satisfying times in your Business/Agency and you will be able to correlate it directly to the impact you were making toward others and not reflecting on the “I”. As well you have received your greatest reward and gifts when your reflection and attention was on others and not “I”. You have 4 more days until Christmas, WHAT CAN YOU DO FOR OTHERS AND NOT FOR “I”? How amazingly, different and impactful could you make this holiday? And continue that focus into your Business/Agency for 2019 and experience the “attitude of gratitude.”

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