The Power Triangle and How It Relates to Your Business OR Career

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

As I continue with you my further research into the book, “80/20 Sales and Marketing” by Perry Marshall, he is educating me on a simple concept that will apply to all of us in the Insurance Industry.

The Power Triangle: The three sides/steps to selling anything.  The first step is getting traffic: You gotta get human bodies, eyes, and ears, to sell to—without raising their defenses, if at all humanly possible.  The next step is conversion: You have to convince the person that what you have is going to solve their problem. The final step is economics: You have to give them something that’s valuable and get their money.

Traffic, conversion and economics form a Power Triangle that governs everything that happens in sales and marketing. (Marshall, p. 43)

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: Does this concept seem to simple to you?  Perry Marshall would tell you to be suspicious of complicated things and more importantly people who try and make the simple, complicated. I find most people in our field focus on two sides of the triangle….DO YOU WANT TO GUESS WHICH TWO?  Yes, if you guessed Traffic and Economics!!!  A triangle does not exist without three sides and thus CONVERSION is crucial.  What is the problem your client needs to solve, and are they even aware of the problem?  Once you expose the problem how is what you offer going to SOLVE that problem!!!

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