The Story Of An Agency Owner

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

The alarm clock goes off and it feels like Groundhog Day…did I actually sleep?  Everything feels exactly the same as yesterday, same bed, same alarm clock, same time and the day in your mind looks the same.

You look to your bed and see your wife, your husband or an empty space and even though you see that person you still wake up feeling ALONE!  That person cares for you, loves you BUT doesn’t understand the sense of being alone you feel.  Yet, you only have a moment to think about that because you can’t share that feeling, much less you may not even know how to define it or recognize you are feeling it.  More importantly, you don’t have time to think about it, you need to get ready to go to the gym (if you are lucky) or get ready to go to the office.  You have clients waiting on you, employees waiting on you, an office to open.  

The groundhog day feeling continues as you get to your office.  You walk in and the environment looks the same, the walls look the same, your employees look the same.  You get your cup of coffee and sit down at your desk to start the day.  Not quite sure the direction of the day!  What Marketing should I do, what client should I call first, how am I going to make payroll this month, am I going to be able to buy the gifts for my family for Christmas OR will this be another year that I put it all on credit cards (I haven’t even paid off the gifts from last year Christmas)  It’s ok, I will make more money next year, next year will be better.  Nobody knows I am struggling, the appearance looks ok.  My wife/husband thinks I am ok and believes in me and our business……THE CHALLENGE IS I DON’T KNOW IF I STILL DO!  I AM AFRAID THAT I AM ONE MONTH AWAY FROM LOSING IT ALL, I FEEL ALONE, NOBODY ELSE UNDERSTANDS THE PRESSURE I AM UNDER, THE WEIGHT OF THE WORLD SITS ON MY SHOULDERS…..AND ALL I REALLY WANT TO DO IS TAKE A NAP AT 10:30 IN THE MORNING.

Thoughts To Ponder Today:   Could this be you, right now, right here?  Are you feeling these emotions, is this a mirror reflection of YOU?  Over 1000 people will see this message AND  those that are Business Owners/Agency Owners will ALL find a part of this story if not all that they can relate to!   I SHARE THIS BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  The journey of being a Business Owner is lonely, and you feel like no person can relate.  STOP THAT LIE!  You are not alone.  Knowing that is POWER in itself….YET don’t stop there.  Find a person you can trust and share these emotions, feelings and concerns you are having.  Everyone says, “I WANT TO BE A BUSINESS OWNER” yet very few know the COST.  It is difficult at times and heavy in stress and demand, YOUR RECOGNITION OF THIS lightens the load.  Where can you share this pain?  And where can you seek help?

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