The Wars Of Your Daily Life Are Of Your Own Creation!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

The title of today’s topic should wake you up and be a slap in the face of your reality. The challenges, wars and battles of all of our daily lives are ALWAYS of our own creation!

It has been studied and researched that over 80% of people’s fears never become reality. Yet, fears of losing your business/career, your loved ones to early, or whatever may be holding you back right at this time to you feel like TRUTH like FACT. The RAW TRUTH is that it is our stories that create these fears which ultimately lead to our challenges, battles and internal wars. It is in the stories and the dialogue we have in our own minds that our PERSONAL REALITY is created. So what could be possible for you if you changed your internal story?

Think of that man/woman that you know that seems to have it all; phenomenal career, beautiful spouse, perfect kids, beautiful home, cars etc. Are they any different than you? Absolutely the answer is YES. Surprised? Didn’t think I was going to answer that way. It is 100% TRUE they are different than you because they do one major thing differently. They change the stories in their mind about their reality! They realize that FEAR and UNKNOWN are often never experienced. They have stopped the battles within their mind and thus they have altered WHAT THEY CREATE!

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: Life is not perfect and life is hard YET what story is living in your mind about your existence? Is it possible that this story could be wrong? What is the possibility if you change your story? What battle are you facing RIGHT NOW? What war is going on for you RIGHT NOW? Answer this question about your story: Is it true? Yes or No. If the answer is Yes, the next question is Are you 100% sure that this story is true? Could there be another story internally that could be more true? Face these questions and you change the war and ULTIMATELY YOU CHANGE WHAT YOU CREATE!

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