The Yin and Yang of Media And Traffic Expertise…as it pertains to your Business

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

A few days ago I shared with you “40 Different Types of Advertising and Media options.”  If you missed that Daily Blog it is worth going back to and reading it.  I also challenged you to decide on 3-4 that you will initiate within the next 48 hours….DID YOU INITIATE??

As I continue my research in the book, “80/20 Sales and Marketing” by Perry Marshall he gave me some further insight as it pertains to Media and Traffic Expertise.  “The Yin: It’s impossible to become proficient in every form of advertising.  You need to focus on one to three forms of marketing and advertising, so you are much more skilled in the use of those media than most people.”  The yang:  If your entire business is dependent upon one source of traffic, one advertising medium, your business is a stool with only one leg.  A train wreck waiting to happen.  You need to get new customers from a diverse range of sources.” (Marshall, p. 29)

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: If you are a Business Owner, Team Member, or Associate this applies to you, what is the one advertising and/or marketing source that you are a MASTER at?  Is it cultivating referrals consistently, internet leads, direct mail target marketing etc.?  THE DEEPER HONEST QUESTION TO ASK: Are you a master of any of them?  I find in my 15 years+ experience that Insurance Agencies are proficient at best in their Advertising and Marketing and NOT MASTER of one and that their Team Members are not masters in one either.  Most of my experiences I have witnessed in our Industry is what I call “Spaghetti Advertising/Marketing”-throw up the Spaghetti to see if it’s done and what sticks is what works!!!  Can you relate to this concept?  What you need to become is “SNIPER” laser focused and mastery in one Advertising/Marketing medium and try and get someone else on your Team to master a different one.  If you are a stand alone operation, MASTER ONE AND THEN MOVE TO THE NEXT….BUT NOT UNTIL YOU HAVE MASTERED IT!!!!!

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