Time & Effort VS. Results

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Happy Friday. As you reflect on this week coming to an end I wanted to share a message that can relate to all of us at some time or another. In the Insurance Industry where I have spent the past 17 years there is a clear line between what I would call an “Insurance Agent” and an “Insurance Agency Owner” and probably this concept also relates to the relationship between “Employee” and “Entrepreneur”.

This clear line has to do with the concept of how success is measured. An
“Insurance Agent” (employee mindset) will say to their self (because I have heard it). “I worked 60 hours this week, I came in on Saturday and Sunday, I got to the office at 6 a.m. every day, I couldn’t do anymore I worked every possible hour I could this week!” Can you relate, have you found yourself stating these same messages?

You are not wrong for saying any of these comments and it is probably your reality. Although, I want to bring to light today that if you wish to leave the mindset of “employee” or “Insurance Agent” and enter the realm of “Entrepreneur” and “Agency Business Owner”, you must grasp the concept of: Time & Effort vs. RESULTS!

An Insurance Agent measures many times their success by the level of time and effort they put in, “if I work hard everyday and work long every day I am successful.” Yes, you must work hard and must work long BUT not for the sake of working hard and long. An “Agency Business Owner/Entrepreneur” understands that all that matters is RESULTS, nothing less nothing more. The time and effort is of no importance unless RESULTS are achieved. And the only way to know is if clear targets are defined WEEKLY. A philosophy I have been coached and trained with that has been a Game Changer to my professional businesses is this:

Annual Goals, Quarterly Reviews, 30-60 Day Benchmarks and Weekly Targets

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: Are you measuring your success because you are busy and working hard? Or are you measuring your success based on results…weekly targets you hit or miss (NOTHING ELSE) When you change your mindset to RESULTS nothing else matter. The time and effort become obsolete. There will be weeks it takes 100 hours to hit your Weekly Target and there will be weeks it takes 1 hour to hit your Weekly Target. Talk about success in terms of Time and Effort, you lose. Talk about SUCCESS in terms of RESULTS and your Business/Agency will ELEVATE IN WAYS YOU CANNOT IMAGINE!

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