Today’s Decisions…Determine Tomorrow’s Results!!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Happy Monday! Have you ever had that early morning where you are rushing out the door and you forget to eat? Instead of having breakfast you just grab a cup of coffee or an energy drink or even just a cup of juice? And when the afternoon comes around you cannot understand why you are tired, lethargic and CRASHING!!! The reality of this morning and ALL OF OUR EXISTENCE is that the decisions we make have an impact on our future. This simple example shows how the minor choice of skipping breakfast effected your future day.

So, as an Insurance Agent/Agency Owner where could you be experiencing this as it relates to your Agency/Business? We tend to forget that the decisions both positive and negative we choose to make do not immediately impact results and oftentimes show up much later WHEN WE FORGET what got us there! This reality not only appears in the negative decisions or LACK OF DECISIONS we make but also in the positive action based decisions we make as well.

Are you at a place within your Insurance Agency that you are happy with the CURRENT results? If not, be honest with yourself and realize it did not start today but rather was the culmination of many poor decisions or lack of decisions you made over the past days, weeks, months or even years. Your choice to not market today did not impact your results only today but have a compounding effect of long term impact for months and possibly years to come. On the flip side of that same coin you must realize that your choice to take positive, proactive decisions in your business will not have immediate impact but their continued focus and commitment WILL HAVE long term impact on the future you wish to create!

All of us in every area of our life are a culmination of the decisions we made and the decisions we failed to make, positive/negative IT DOES NOT MATTER. Knowing this and understanding this, what decisions do you need to make TODAY that you believe will give you the future you truly desire?

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: Knowing that your life, your Agency/Business is the culmination of the decisions you made yesterday, what decisions do you need to make TODAY for the future you want to create? Think of an “overnight success” you experienced and realize it was not overnight but rather the culmination, completion of prior choices and decisions that became your reality. All of us have the ability to impact our own reality….and that reality is created by the decisions, lack of decisions and choices we make TODAY to create the FUTURE we want tomorrow! WHAT FUTURE ARE YOU TRYING TO CREATE…AND WILL YOUR CHOICES TODAY CREATE THE PATH TO GET THERE?

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