Weeds Must Die….FOR GRASS TO RISE!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Many of you have probably heard the saying, “stop getting stuck in the weeds.”   This short statement can mean many things to many people and for me today it led to the message I wanted to share with each of you.

Think about this definition of a “Weed” from the Oxford Dictionary:


  1. a wild plant growing where it is not wanted and in competition with cultivated plants


  1. remove unwanted plants from (an area of ground or the plants cultivated in it)

Where is an area in your Insurance Agency/Business where something wild is growing where it is not wanted and causing competition with the cultivated positive aspects of your Agency?  Is it that unruly Team member, growing out of control and causing competition with your positive Team Members?  Could it be the habits of the past that are causing competition with the new, engaging technology and advancements of today?  I assure you that each and everyone of us have a WEED in our business, something growing Wildly out of control and competing with the positive, GROWTH aspects of our future.

Could it be time for you to WEED (verb), remove those unwanted areas of your Insurance Garden to cultivate and grow the grass of your Agency?  

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:  What is your WEED/S?  Is it that person on your TEAM that you know needs to go and is stealing the oxygen from your positive TEAM  members?  Is it that old belief in Marketing that you held on to because it is comfortable and once worked, but is causing competition with you seeking NEW, EXCITING marketing opportunities.  YOUR NEW GRASS!  Worse yet, is that WEED your mindset and you are the WEED of your Agency?  WEEDS grow with ease, no nurturing needed, they grow WILDLY.  Whereas GRASS, takes nurturing, WEEDING (verb), watering, sunlight and attention.  There is something RIGHT NOW that is growing wildly and out of control in your Agency and you can be assured your full GROWTH POTENTIAL is being limited by the oxygen those WEEDS are stealing.  WEEDS MUST DIE in order for GRASS to THRIVE and RISE.  Your Insurance Agency/Business is the Garden of your Professional Life, do you want weeds in your Garden or flowers and beautiful GRASS?

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