What Can You Accomplish In 48 Days?…THE TIME IS HERE TO FIGURE IT OUT!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

October 23, 2018….Where has the time gone for 2018?

Our Industry of Insurance is one in which we focus on hitting targets, goals, bonuses, etc. by the end of the year.  I woke up this morning and realized there are only 48 Business Days remaining in 2018 to achieve my goals (your goals)!

Today, I challenge myself and each of you to ask the following questions:  Where am I at in my Insurance Agency for 2018?  Am I on track for where I thought I would be?  Am I going to achieve my goals I set out for?  If I already achieved my goals for 2018, did I set to LOW  of goals?  What can I do and MUST I do to hit my goals in the next 48 Business Days?

As follow-up to my message from yesterday, THE GOAL OF YOUR AGENCY IS…..GROWTH!  Did your Insurance Agency (Business) grow this year?  If not, then is the answer NOT YET!  

I have an exercise for each of you today, and know I never ask anyone to do an exercise I am not willing to do myself.  Take out a mirror or stand in front of one today and ask the following question of yourself:  Have I given my Insurance Agency the best of my efforts this year?  Be truthful, because only you know the answer.  Once you have faced that truth you have two possibilities:  1) No, I have not given my best effort and that will lead you to your next question: What must I do in the next 48 Business Days to be able to answer that question YES as I (you) finish the year.  2) Yes, I have give my best effort and that will lead you to your next question: Did my best effort get me the results I expected and desired?  If yes, GREAT.  If no, can I find something deeper inside myself (expand my best effort) and finish these next 48 Business Days with the result I expect and desire!

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:  Life changes in a moment, a decision or indecision can change the trajectory of our lives thus 48 days can profoundly change your year, your life, your business BUT you have to make a decision to belief that is your reality, your possibility.  Your Insurance Agency is not measured by how it starts BUT rather in how it finishes, ARE YOU CHOOSING TO FINISH STRONG?  Today, make it your priority to establish your 45 day ACTION PLAN, how many sales are you going to make, how much premium you are going to produce, the product lines you are going to market, AND ULTIMATELY THE NUMBER OF CLIENTS YOU ARE GOING TO IMPACT.  Know this in 48 Business Days the mirror of YOU will be there, do you want to look at yourself with PRIDE or DISAPPOINTMENT?  THAT CHOICE IS SOLELY YOURS, always has been and always will be!  Finish Strong and make this year YOUR YEAR!!!

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