What Is F.E.A.R?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Monday Morning and another start to a work week for most of us and especially those of us in the Insurance Industry. The topic of today’s blog is around FEAR!

I ask each of you that are reading this message right now to STOP and think about what is something going on in your life right at this moment that has you afraid? Is it the possibility of a lose of a relationship you have had for 20 plus years? Is it the lose of a business you have had for 20 years? Is it your child preparing to graduate High School and go out on their own and it has you as a parent afraid for them? Are you afraid to try that new Marketing plan or hire that new Team Member?

FEAR is a reality in each and everyone of our lives and can be for many a debilitating, painful experience. Yet, today I am going to challenge you to look at FEAR in a different light, check out this acronym for F.E.A.R

F=False E=Expectations A=Appearing R=Real

F.E.A.R, is False Expectations Appearing Real! So what does that mean for you? How often when you are REAL with yourself do your FEARS come to reality? It has been studied that upwards of 80% of the things we FEAR in life never come to reality and those 20% of the times they do it is because of our perpetuation in dwelling on them!!. We as people set expectations on the future events of our lives because we long for CONTROL. Yet, our lives unfold around the unknowns, and FEAR truly is our mind setting False Expectations and letting them Appear as REALITY!

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: If you can take a current FEAR in your life right now and look at it through this lense, what could be possible for you? If you can look at your Agency/Business and the FEARS you are experiencing and are holding you back and again look through this lense, what could be possible? In your relationship/marriage and the FEAR of lose is holding you back, what could be possible if you looked at it through this lense? “False Expectations Appearing REAL”

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