When A Door Closes…A Window Opens

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea 1 Comment

This morning I heard a quote from Anthony Robbins that will set the pace for my week and the pace for a life worth living. “People overestimate what they can accomplish in one year and underestimate what they can accomplish in a decade.”

I know for me personally this is so true. I measure my success as what I accomplished or failed to accomplish the last year yet I forget to remind myself where I was 10 years ago. This thought initially was sparked by a post I put out on Facebook last Thursday of me 12 years ago to today and the difference in my health was remarkable.

Where are you doing the same in your life? Looking at your current success/failures measured against one year yet not comparing it to where you were 5 or 10 years ago? This applies specifically to your Insurance Agency, for my Insurance colleagues out there and also to your personal life. And if you are new in your Agency/Business don’t let your first year be your measure, understand it is the stepping stone to the person and Business Owner you will become in the next decade.

Life and Business are difficult and challenging yet I want to leave you with a thought for today that is 100% TRUE. “Every time a door closes a WINDOW opens.” Are you looking for those open windows however slight they may be or are you accepting a door closing as the end? Remember your life, and your business will not be measured by a day, a month, or even a year BUT the overall culmination of the man/woman that you become in the pursuit of more.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: Where were you March 11, 2009? What did your health look like? What did your family dynamic look like? What did your Agency/Business look like (did you even have a business)? What did your financial income look like? What did your relationships look like? Write it down, do the comparison. Yes, there are probably many doors that have closed during that time, but how many windows opened up that led you to where you are now? And where can you be in the next 10 years?

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