Where Is Your Balance?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

the state of having your weight spread equally so that you do not fall. : the ability to move or to remain in a position without losing control or falling. : a state in which different things occur in equal or proper amounts or have an equal or proper amount of importance. (Webster’s Dictionary)

Have you ever truly looked at the definition of balance?  We all say the words, ” I want to have a balanced life.”  “I want to balance my Agency/Business and my Personal Life”  Yet, if you compare your wants to what balance defined means, specifically “a state in which different things occur in equal or proper amounts or have an equal or proper amount of importance”.  Does your Agency/Business get the equal and proper amount of importance as your Personal Life?  Or the bigger question, DOES YOUR PERSONAL LIFE (spouse, kids, family) get the equal and proper amount of importance as your Business Life?

As human beings in society today we have anxiety, fears, struggles and stress beyond recognition as compared to some of our predecessors of history.  We have technological advances that make our lives wonderful YET also bring us burdens that never existed in Life.  We have the ability via technology, social media, email etc. to never shut down, shut off, long gone are the years of working 9-5 and going home to unplug from work and connect with those that matter.  The cell phone continues to transmit content, the emails continue to flood in, and the image of “SUCCESS” is always thrown into our face.  And that image of success tends to be clouded in money, prestige, material goods and a sense of connection with loved ones, family etc. are lost!  I share this message as a reminder that we say, “we want to live a balanced lifestyle”  yet our energy and efforts prove otherwise.  Why so often you see yourself and others earning higher levels of income, prestige or material to continue to BE UNHAPPY, UNBALANCED AND EMPTY.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:  I end where I started today, balance=
“a state in which different things occur in equal or proper amounts or have an equal or proper amount of importance” Is the time NOW that your life should receive equal and proper importance in all areas?  Does your Agency/Business have a plan?  More importantly, does your Life have a plan?  You want balance, then they both should have a plan for what you want!  Remember equal and proper importance is what BALANCE is.  Reflection is difficult but without it you remain lost, wondering why  your children lack connection, wondering why your wife/husband lacks connection, wondering why your business no longer brings you joy and purpose!  Balance is possible for us all but only when we are clear about what it truly is.  I measure success with Agents I coach not only on Business results but their overall success with their lives….THAT IS TRUE BALANCE AND WHAT WE ALL SHOULD LONG FOR!

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