Who Is Closest To You…Will Determine Who You Become!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Good afternoon Monday October 29, 2018.

This message today is designed to speak specifically to all my Insurance Industry people.  Our Industry overall is a very small group of people that tend to gravitate together into the same networks, social events, friendships etc.  Probably no different than any other Industries that exist, yet it led me to my concept and idea I wanted to share with you for today.

Stop for just a moment and think about the people in your Industry that you spend the most amount of your time and energy with.  Is that time spent in discussing, “what the Company is doing to us, what changes the Company makes, that the Company is against us etc.”  It is and would be very easy to get stuck in these type of conversations because I have been around enough different Companies to know they all have their issues!  Or as you think and reflect on the people in your Industry that you spend time with, is your conversation more like this, “Yes, the Company is making changes and although difficult, I will change too and still succeed, or yes the Company is making changes, how can we adapt and change along with them so that we both can benefit?”

There is such drastic truth in the fact that the people you surround you with will be who you become!  What are the people you around causing you to become?  Are they  bitter and thus you are becoming bitter, are they negative and thus you are becoming negative, are they victims and as such you are now a victim?

This is not one of those Glass Half Full vs. Glass Half Empty analogy or a “BE POSITIVE AND EVERYTHING WILL BE OK MESSAGE”.  What I want myself and all of you to realize is that the best opportunity that each of us have in being successful in our Industry and our lives is to surround ourselves around the people we want to BECOME!  Insurance as an Industry is difficult, regulated, compliance stricken, underwriting controlled, client driven, market pricing initiated and many, many more things.  The challenges and difficulties are there, so why would you want to make it even more difficult for yourself by surrounding yourself with people that just FUEL THAT FIRE?

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:  Think about your last five (5) interactions with peers in your Industry, were they positive interactions or negative/complaining interactions?  If they were negative/complaining what value did you gain and MORE IMPORTANTLY WHAT POWER DID YOU LOSE?  What relationships need to END because you are finding yourself becoming THEM?  Who do you want to become in your Agency and who do you know that emulates that?  Seek relationships that FUEL YOU POSITIVELY and EXTINGUISH THOSE THAT FUEL YOUR NEGATIVE/COMPLAINING, WOE IS ME ATTITUDE.  This is all easy to say and EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO PRACTICE, I only leave you with the concept that it is impossible to not become the sum total of those 3-5 people you most surround yourself with.  WHAT ARE YOU BECOMING FROM THOSE 3-5 Relationships?

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