Who Is The Best Insurance Agent You Know?…I have the answer!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Today’s message will be brief yet I believe powerful if you truly let it sink in.

Who Is The Best Insurance Agent You Know?  I have worked with many Insurance Professionals over the years and still do today.  I have that Agency that generates 100 Life Insurance Policies+ in a Multi-Line Insurance Agency.  I have that Commercial Agency that generates $1.5 Million of New Business Premium every year.  I have that Personal Lines Agency that generates a $10 Million Book of Business and grows 10% year after year.

Each of you in this Industry can probably think of that same person around you, the mentor, the Agent you look up to, the Salesperson you strive to be. AND IN OUR THINKING THIS WAY, WE ARE ALL WRONG!

The BEST AGENT YOU KNOW….IS YOU!  You have unique ability and capacity that the GREATEST AGENT you know does not because they are not you AND you are not them.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:   Do you catch yourself comparing yourself to others?  Do you find yourself attacking others, even if only internally?  For example, “well he/she is a GREAT Agent but they are not connected to their family or kids like I am.  Or he/she is GREAT Agent but they are not healthy and fit like I am.”  I am know I am guilty of this.  TRUE SUCCESS is measured from within and the realization it is 100% IMPOSSIBLE to be someone else.  You were made to be you, with unique personality, skills, abilities and attributes.  SO THEREFORE, YOU ARE THE BEST AGENT YOU KNOW!  There is no one else like you and so BE YOU, OWN IT AND REALIZE YOU ARE THE BEST VERSION…..BECAUSE YOU ARE YOU!

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