You Are Unique and NOT Unique At The Same Time!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

This message is designed for my Insurance Agents out there in the world YET will probably relate to each and every person that is taking time to read this message.  

When you are in your pain, your struggles, your challenges and in your frustrations…DO YOU FEEL LIKE YOU ARE ALONE?  Do you feel like your situation is unique and that no person could possibly relate?   Do you sit in your office/agency reflecting on all your difficulty and failures and FEEL I wish I had somewhere to turn and that someone else could understand and relate to what I am going through.  I am here to tell you that you are not as UNIQUE as you may believe.  

It has been said that nothing in life is ever new, just interpreted in a different way.  So that message should bring you strength and resolve.  Your challenge, frustration, fear is not something new…YOU ARE NOT UNIQUE in this area.  Others have or are experiencing the same pains, challenges and struggles that you are now or have  in the past.  Our lives were not meant to be experienced in isolation.  We are part of a larger community of EXISTENCE.  An that existence defines that we are more similar than we may believe.  It is in our sharing, our vulnerability that we can relate with others, avoid isolation and gain the strength to move forward.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:  Where in your Business/Agency are you operating in isolation because you have felt your situation is UNIQUE and no other person can relate?  When is the last time you were vulnerable with others, open and honest and reaching out for help?  More importantly, when is the last time you made yourself available for others and were open to hearing their struggles, pain and challenges?  Remember we were created to be a part of a larger community of LIFE!  We isolate ourselves because we think our situation is UNIQUE.  Yes, we all have UNIQUE attributes yet where we all are similar is we all struggle, feel pain, feel lost, feel alone, are challenged and have fears.  Remember today and always, YOUR SITUATION IS NOT UNIQUE, SHARE WITH OTHERS YOUR CHALLENGES, OPEN UP BE VULNERABLE AND YOU WILL FIND OTHERS CAN RELATE….WANT TO RELATE AND ALL OF US WANT TO FEEL A PART OF A LARGER COMMUNITY!  For my Insurance Professionals reach out for help if you are feeling lost, you were not created to do this alone!

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