You Are Uniquely Special….Do Your Prospects/Clients Know That?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

As you and I began another work week I wanted to share a simple concept that you are probably failing to recognize.   Each and everyone of us has something special inside of us.  Something you know.  Something you do.  Something you can teach.  You are already an expert. I share this concept for myself and to you from my inspiration from my newest book, “Expert Secrets” by Russell Brunson.

Too often in our professional lives our focus is on our competitors, our Company, our Products, our pricing, our Customer Service, and/or our Claims Service.  All important but OUTSIDE OF YOUR CONTROL.  The only area in life that you and I have is OURSELVES!   And each and everyone of us is special and has something special inside of us, it is truly something that just comes easy to you, just simply something you know and that something can be taught and ultimately add value to another person’s life.

Your unique Marketing position is YOU.  Figure that out, search inside and utilize the talents and gifts that make you special and your Expert abilities can drive business success you have only imagined.   Stop focusing on being better than he or she in the marketplace, you can never be better that them!  All that you can BE IS THE BEST YOU and in capturing that belief and taking that to the marketplace you are UNSTOPPABLE.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:  What makes you special?  Are you a great public speaker yet you don’t do it regularly?  Are you a math wizard and numbers come naturally to your mind yet you don’t share that skill with others?  Maybe your special skills is the rough life you have lived and that adversity you have overcome yet no one would know because you don’t share.   Are you a wonderful mother/father yet have not owned the skills of raising children and utilized those special skills in building your family (i.e. YOUR BUSINESS)?  I don’t have the answer for you, in fact I am still finding mine!  What I can tell you is that those you admire and look up to as SUCCESSFUL got there and remain there because they are committed to what they are SPECIAL as and have made that the story of the life they created and share with others in the marketplace!

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