YOU Create The Conditions For Creation!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea 2 Comments

Successful people in life and business are people of habits and consistency. Yet, why is this so important? Is it the habits? Is it the consistency? The answer is both YES and NO!

In your Business/Agency and your Life healthy, consistent habits are crucial and the KEY to your continued success. The deeper meaning is that in creating healthy, productive, consistent habits YOU CREATE THE CONDITIONS FOR CREATION!

Have you ever recognized that your ability to create is magnified in the times you are focused and consistent? The reason why is that you cannot create in chaos, at least not anything of long term value. Habits and patterns open up space for calm, clarity and peace….you are priming your conditions for creation!

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: What healthy consistent, habits do you follow that support your creation? What negative, poor habits are causing you chaos and thus limiting your space for creation? Ever wonder why it is when you are eating poorly that your business is struggling? Ever wonder why it is when you don’t exercise that your relationship is struggling? You are failing to create positive conditions which lead to CREATION! Simple concept but truly deep as you evaluate where your creation has been lacking and limited!

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