Your 2019 Agency Starts NOW….Are You Ready?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea 1 Comment

In almost every business in America right now they are focused on two things:

  1. Finishing 2018 Strong
  2. Making Plans for 2019

Your Insurance Agency should be no different.  Yet, I find that most Insurance Agents don’t know if they are successful or not, they don’t have measures to track themselves against.  A day goes by, a week goes by, a month goes by, a year goes by and A CAREER GOES BY!  And never was there a plan or target to measure to see if they were SUCCESSFUL.  Let this year be the year that this cycle finally ends.

Does that thought overwhelm you?  How do I make a plan?  Where do I start?  What should my plan entail?  What do I want to achieve?  How will I track my progress?  It must overwhelm you or else you would already have a plan and measure in place (some of you may, but in my experience MOST do not).

Any good plan starts with the FACTS of where you are currently at.  Where is your Agency currently at, no judgements, no critique just WHERE ARE YOU?  What is your Annual revenue?  What is your operating costs?  What is your current staffing levels?  What are your current sales results?  What is your current Agency retention?  What is your Personal Income from your Agency?

TODAY, I challenge each and everyone of us to sit down, in a quiet place, free of distraction AND ANSWER THOSE QUESTIONS.  “You cannot know where you are going, if you don’t know where you are.”

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:  Are you ready for a change in 2019?  Change begins with you and from inside.  Face your facts, they are not GOOD OR BAD, they just are!  The first step in any plan either Business, Personal, In Marriage, With Your Children IS TO FIND OUT WHERE YOU ARE CURRENTLY!  Spend some time today WITH YOU!  Answer these questions and find out where you are at.  We will continue this journey after you answer those questions and start developing your plans for 2019….but can’t start there until WE KNOW WHERE WE ARE TODAY!  

Comments 1

  1. Pingback: Took A Break To Let You Catch Up….I’m Back Let’s Explore the ACTION STEPS for YOUR 2019 | Agency Elevated Blog

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