Your Bank Account Is A Reflection of Your Current Level of Commitment!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

As an Agency Owner/Business Owner you and I both have a simple, concise measurement tool to guide our level of commitment and that is quite simply our Bank Accounts! This insight I share with you today was shared with me and has stuck with my soul and my mind ever since.

It is very easy to complain about our lack when it comes to our finances and profits in our business. I find myself doing that from time to time in reflection of my business. I am not where I want to be on my financial journey YET…and that is a VERY STRONG YET, when I put my ego aside and realize that my level of commitment is directly correlated to my financial results it is understandable that I have control!

As you reflect on your current situation (your bank statement) does the balance reflect your TRUE level of commitment? In my experience when the balance and profits are higher the COMMITMENT level is higher. When the balances are low and the profits diminshed my level of commitment has been LOWEST! This is a simple NOT EASY guide to evaluate your Agency/Business.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: Success in your life, your Agency, your Business and/or your Family require REFLECTION! Your ability to look at the results in your Life and BE BRUTALLY HONEST in the way you compare it to your COMMITMENT! When your relationship is having problems, is it the relationship or your partner OR your level of commitment and effort? When your Agency/Business is struggling, is it the Carrier, the marketplace OR your level of commitment and effort? If your bank statement (your results) are not where you would like, what needs to change in your commitment TO THUS CHANGE THE RESULTS?

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