Your Personal Life Affects Your Business!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea 1 Comment

Happy Monday and hope that all my subscribers and/or anyone reading this is having a good start to this week. My message today is brief and does not only apply to Agency Owners or Business Owners but EVERYONE.

As I thought about today’s message and for any of you that follow my blogs on a regular basis this is later than I typically post on Mondays. In my years of being a Business Owner and coaching, training and developing Insurance Agency Owners I have a belief that I tell people all the time, “if we didn’t have personal lives we could all be wildly successful in our career/business BUT why would we want to if we had no Personal Life?”

As you reflect on your career or Business/Agency think about those times you try and shut off your Personal life, struggles, challenges, issues with your children, issues with your family, issue with your partner. You put your head down and pour yourself into your work and don’t find success. My message today is that IT IS O.K., to be HUMAN…we all are. Life impacts us and we don’t have the ability to put Business in a separate SILO or Personal in a separate SILO. The reality is that we, the person are always there and all aspects of our lives make up who we are in Business, Personal, Family, Marriage, Friendships.

My message today is this, focus on the aspects of Life personally that bring you joy and satisfaction and that will move into your Business and/or Career. It typically does not go the other direction. Focusing on Business/Career to satisfaction does not work if you don’t focus on your Personal self and life first.

Today I met with an candidate seeking to open his own Insurance Agency and I could tell he was torn. We sat, we talked, I listened and after only a few minutes I found his personal life was out of balance and although the potential of the Agency is great we left our discussion with the message to go home, have a conversation with your wife, follow your heart. I assured him this could be a great career for him but what I have to offer him will mean nothing unless his personal connection is strong. I know with confidence that when his personal life is on track, his Agency will perform at levels neither of us can imagine.

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: Where is your Personal life off balance and it is impacting your Business? Were you even aware it was happening? What could you do today to get your Personal Life back on balance? Who do you need to speak with for help to figure out where your Personal life is impacting your Agency/Business/Career? Have you been bottling up some issues in your Personal life and now realize by doing that your Business/Career are also being impacted? Remember we are not Business Owner one minute, Agency Owner one minute, Husband/Wife one minute, Father/Mother one minute. WE ARE THE SUM OF ALL PARTS and all parts impact the others!

Comments 1

  1. Amazing message … glad to see you had the courage to tell a potential recruit that until he had balance at home this was not the time for this career … you may have just saved his marriage and family!

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