John LuceroDaily Sales Idea 2 Comments

Today is a sample of what I call my “Areas of Concern Checklist”  I copied and pasted this from a document to show it to you.  YET, IF YOU JOIN THIS LIST (UNLESS YOU ALREADY  HAVE) AND YOU CONTACT ME WITH THE MESSAGE “PLEASE SEND ME YOUR Areas of Concern Checklist”  AND IT WILL BE SENT TO YOU!!!! Customer Information Date:___________________________________ …

Growth Begins…When Comfort Ends

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea 1 Comment

I heard this quote today, “Growth Begins When Comfort Ends”  and it made me think of myself and all of my Agencies in the Insurance Industry. Have we become too comfortable?  In the early phases of your Agency you were hungry, eager, fearless, and full of energy but something happened.  There is a high possibility that you became comfortable.  The …

Life Insurance For Children…Is It Necessary?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

The topic of today’s Daily Message is asked many times in Insurance Agencies and in the marketplace in general.  Yet, I cannot answer this question for you today from the perspective of an Insurance Agency Coach because of course I would be biased in that response.  Although, I am going to pose this question and answer from the perspective of …

You Are Uniquely Special….Do Your Prospects/Clients Know That?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

As you and I began another work week I wanted to share a simple concept that you are probably failing to recognize.   Each and everyone of us has something special inside of us.  Something you know.  Something you do.  Something you can teach.  You are already an expert. I share this concept for myself and to you from my inspiration …

Lemonade…Hippo…General…What Are These, And Should You Be Worried?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

I spent the entire day today decluttering my house and freeing up space for CLARITY.  Too many things does not always lead to happiness, in fact many times all of that STUFF  can lead to overwhelm and complexity.  Yet, that is not my message for you today. As I listened to Pandora radio today while working on cleaning and organizing, …

Life Insurance Power Phrases (Focus For Life Insurance Agents)

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Today, my focused messaged is to give you some insights and power phrases you can utilize in your Insurance Agency to pivot and start conversations around Life Insurance. You can be remembered by your family as that wonderful man who left them financially secure or you can leave them nothing.  I guarantee that if you do either, they will never …

Building Your Real Estate Referral Network (Focus for P&C Agents)

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

In years of experience in working my own Insurance Agency and coaching, training and developing Insurance Agencies many Agents want to know how to create a Real Estate Referral network. If you are marketing and selling Home Insurance Products it makes logical sense that a steady stream of prospects that need Homeowners Insurance would be extremely VALUABLE. I assure you …

Blockbuster, Circuit City, Toys R Us, Borders Book Store…..ARE YOU NEXT?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

I hope that the title of this Daily Message caught your attention.  FOUR MAJOR BUSINESS….THAT ARE GONE!   Our Industry is not exempt from the ever-changing dynamics of a Global Technology driven marketplace and the ease of information and resources made available by technological advances occurring every minute of every single day.  Google only recently suspended (not cancelled) their endeavours into the …

Are You Uncompetitive??…..Know Your Facts, You May Be Surprised!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Happy Monday to all who are reading today’s message.  As I prepare to start this week, I wanted to share something with you that was shared with me today around my business that I believe you may find valuable. How often do you find yourself saying this, “My Company is too expensive or I am uncompetitive.”  As a person that works …