No More Suit and Tie!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

If you have been following me via this Blog Page, YouTube and/or Facebook and recently on my NEWLY LAUNCHED PODCAST! You will know I challenge the status quo as it pertains to the Insurance Industry. The message today I want to share is that our industry of Insurance has changed and continues to change at rapid, extreme paces. Along those …


John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

If you enjoyed the picture of this blog than you will be very excited about ALL OF THE NEW CONTENT/PRODUCTS LAUNCHED FOR AGENCY ELEVATED! Our Apparel Product Line is launched and you will find eight (8) different designs with over 200 PRODUCTS TO CHOOSE FROM! **SUBSCRIBERS CHECK YOUR EMAIL FOR YOUR 10% DISCOUNT LINK**….NON-SUBSCRIBERS CLICK HERE TO ACCESS STORE As …

Consistency is Key!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Happy Humpday. A brief message to get us all through the remainder of the work week. I did a Facebook Live earlier this week around “Persistency Leads To Consistency” feel free to go back and check it out. Yet, as I reflected on that message I believe the larger piece of importance is CONSISTENCY. Think about an area in your …

Different Seasons Bring Different Reasons

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

As human beings we struggle with change even though it is an inevitable process of our existence. Today I share a message that will give you a different perspective in dealing with change not only in your Personal Life but in your Professional Agency/Business life as well. As I sit writing this message today at 42 years old I reflect …

Develop Yourself….CONTINUALLY

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

If you are reading this blog and/or are one of my subscribers it lets me know that you care about developing yourself and “ELEVATING” your Agency. Yet, what I have found for over 17 years working in this Industry and in Coaching, Training and Recruiting Insurance Agents as well as being an Agency Owner myself, IT IS EASY TO ABSORB …

Slow Down…To Move Fast!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Are you running your Insurance Agency at a pace that is unsustainable? Your Agency/Business for those of you that are Insurance Agents but also applies to anyone reading this message that does not currently own an Insurance Agency or Business is and will always be built on systems and routines. A good analogy to utilize today in grasping this concept …

Time & Effort VS. Results

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Happy Friday. As you reflect on this week coming to an end I wanted to share a message that can relate to all of us at some time or another. In the Insurance Industry where I have spent the past 17 years there is a clear line between what I would call an “Insurance Agent” and an “Insurance Agency Owner” …

The Power Of Video For Your Agency!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea 2 Comments

Today as you read this message I want you to answer a few questions for yourself: How many videos did you watch yesterday on Facebook? How many videos did you watch yesterday on Instagram? How many videos did you watch on YouTube? How many video emails did you open and view yesterday? Ok, before you read further….did you honestly answer …

When A Door Closes…A Window Opens

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea 1 Comment

This morning I heard a quote from Anthony Robbins that will set the pace for my week and the pace for a life worth living. “People overestimate what they can accomplish in one year and underestimate what they can accomplish in a decade.” I know for me personally this is so true. I measure my success as what I accomplished …