Life Insurance For Children…Is It Necessary?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

The topic of today’s Daily Message is asked many times in Insurance Agencies and in the marketplace in general.  Yet, I cannot answer this question for you today from the perspective of an Insurance Agency Coach because of course I would be biased in that response.  Although, I am going to pose this question and answer from the perspective of a parent of three wonderful, beautiful children.

Life Insurance is a unique product in that it is not MANDATORY unlike Automobile Insurance in many States and Homeowners Insurance for those clients with a Mortgage against their property BUT in all reality is the ONLY INSURANCE PRODUCT WITH A 100% CERTAINTY OF LOSS!  We all will die it is inevitable BUT also UNPREDICTABLE.   A case can be made very clearly on the need of a husband and wife (father and mother) to have Life Insurance to protect the Financial futures of the other and is a large part of the reasoning that many adults purchase Life Insurance.  Yet, is the Life of a child any less valuable because they do not provide an income to the family?  How do you quantify the joy of your children in your life?  The first steps, the first words, the first trophy, the touch of their innocent hands, their wet kisses on a rough day, the first graduations, the first boyfriends/girlfriends, the first team they make or the constant energy that abounds in your home just from their existence?

Our lives are not easy and challenge and obstacles surround us on every turn, loss of jobs, relocations, health issues, aging parents, this list goes on and on.  For me as a father the one experience I cannot fathom nor comprehend would be the loss of one of my children!  Some of you that may be reading this may have experienced this and for that my heart goes out to you.  The devastation and pain that that experience would create is immeasurable to me, in fact just in writing this I feel myself going numb with the pain of what that experience would be.  How could I possibly function?  How am I going to work?  How am I going to stay strong for my wife and other children? How am I going to care for my own emotional well-being?  I can assure you that the last idea on my mind will be, I need to go to work and make sure I am paying for all the STUFF of my life!

Life Insurance cannot replace a loss of any loved one and it cannot remove the PAIN of that experience.  What it can done is provide us all the SPACE and TIME we need financially to SURVIVE and work through the pain.  I have Life Insurance on all of my loved ones, not because I am in the Industry and NOT because I anticipate untimely deaths in my life.  I have Life Insurance for ME, to give myself A LEVEL OF PEACE IN THE STORMS OF LIFE AND WHAT THAT LOSS CREATES.  I will die someday, my wife will die someday, my children will die someday AND I don’t get to choose that day, nor do any of you!   All that we can control in our lives is OUR AWARENESS OF WHAT IF AND PREPARING AS BEST WE CAN, so that we bring PEACE in the FACE OF PAIN!

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY:  Are you afraid of facing this topic for yourself and with your clients?  Does the pain of thinking about this topic hold you captive from taking action?  Who have you failed to have this conversation with?  Have you considered what the conversation looks like if you don’t and they DO EXPERIENCE A LOSS?  Which conversation would you rather have?  Are you focused on selling the Products that you hope don’t have a claim and avoid selling the Product assured to have a claim (100% Death Rate for People)?  Did this message make you uncomfortable today?  If so, GOOD….now take that uncomfortable feeling as fuel to share this story with your prospects/clients!  You have a moral responsibility as a professional in this Industry to have these difficult conversations!

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