Today, my focused messaged is to give you some insights and power phrases you can utilize in your Insurance Agency to pivot and start conversations around Life Insurance.
- You can be remembered by your family as that wonderful man who left them financially secure or you can leave them nothing. I guarantee that if you do either, they will never forget you. (Bruce J. Finesilver)
- If you can save as much money in the next five years as you have in the last five years, will you be satisfied?
- Would you like cash in all your present Life Insurance for its face value and live the rest of your life on that amount? Why are you asking your family to do so?
- How long will it take you to pay into your account what you are someday going to get from mine? (Ben Feldman)
- The definition of a good investment. One that pays the most when you need it the most. (Ben Feldman)
- Did you ever hear a 17 year old girl cry herself to sleep because she couldn’t go to college with her friends? (Berwyn L. Friedman)
- No man has gone bankrupt because he purchased an Insurance policy-but families have gone bankrupt because they did not. (Ted Kibble)
- When a wife goes to work after the death of her husband to support herself and her child, the child loses two parents just at the very moment he/she needs double the emotional support.
- When you buy Term Insurance you’re always the tenant and the Company’s always the landlord. Who always makes money?
- When you die there will be three deaths…A Husband, A Father and an Income. (Jack Wardlaw)
- Why don’t you think this over insured, rather than uninsured? (Susan Sikes Wills)
- If your death will deprive your children of their father, would you want your widow’s job to deprive them of their mother?
- Follow a wagon carrying manure and you likely to pick up some manure. Follow a wagon laden with gold nuggets and you are likely to pick up some gold nuggets. (Frank Nathan)
- The saddest words I ever heard was a 70 year old man ask “Would you like fries with that burger.” (Oscar Newton)
- Would you like me to show up to your funeral reception with a card and a bucket of chicken, OR A CHECK?
THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: Do you share emotional stories when you present Life Insurance? Ask yourself, how you will answer this question from a recent widow, “Is there any chance my husband set up Life Insurance with you for me and the kids?” If the answer to that question is NO, how are you going to feel? Which client/s need to hear one of the phrases from you today? Are you, yourself insured adequately? It was recently found that more than 50% of Life Insurance Agents don’t carry their own products and are not adequately protected if they have it?
John Lucero, is a successful business owner with over 20 years of experience in multi-line insurance agency operations for several major National Brands. With an expertise in Recruiting, Educating, Coaching, Developing and Product Knowledge, his passion and drive to ELEVATE Insurance Agencies to higher levels of success is what keeps him inspired about the future and motivated about making a difference.