Slow Down…To Move Fast!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Are you running your Insurance Agency at a pace that is unsustainable? Your Agency/Business for those of you that are Insurance Agents but also applies to anyone reading this message that does not currently own an Insurance Agency or Business is and will always be built on systems and routines. A good analogy to utilize today in grasping this concept is that of health and fitness.

How many times have you set out to LOSE WEIGHT? You go in 110%, start exercising every day, stop eating all carbs, no desserts, no alcohol, 30-day detox etc. AND low and behold you drop weight at a record pace. Yet, 60, 90 or 120 days later the weight is back and you are stuck wondering, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?

I will tell you what the HELL happened, you set out at a pace that you could not sustain. That no person could sustain, you are not to blame, your standards and expectations are to blame. Sustainability is about systems and routines that you can manage in the short-term to maximize the LONG-TERM!

Your career, Agency and/or Business is no different. Are you running at a pace right now that is bringing short-term success yet you know in your TRUTH that you cannot sustain this pace? That something is about to break, your Business, your Marriage, your Health, OR YOUR SANITY? We all have been here before and chances we will get here again UNLESS we realize that WE MUST SLOW DOWN TO MOVE FAST!

The largest long-term, sustainable growth in all areas of our lives especially our Professional lives occurs when we slow down, evaluate our process, implement systems and develop a path that can be sustained and course corrected when necessary. Where are you at in this process?

THOUGHTS TO PONDER TODAY: Do you have a system in your Agency/Business to evaluate Weekly your progress? Do you course correct your plans when you are off track? Do you measure your success by effort and energy BUT not RESULTS? When is the last time you slowed yourself down to replenish energy for your next major expansion? Can you sustain your current path? What systems and routines do you possess that you have drifted away from AND is it time to reengage? If a moment of slow movement could GUARANTEE maximum growth and speed, would you utilize that skill today?

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