Life Awareness Month….Needs Analysis Revisited

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Happy Friday and in Recognition of September Life Insurance Awareness Month, I thought it would be a good time to revisit a previous post I did “Life Insurance Needs Analysis” You can access it here: The Key Concept of this Simple Life Needs Analysis is this: D.                   I.          …

The Marketplace Does Not Want An Insurance Agent

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea 1 Comment

A very high percentage of my readers that are reading this message right now are “Insurance Agents”  so I hope I got your attention. The marketplace has changed and I am here to tell you that it no longer wants or demands an Insurance Agent-that man/woman that sells Insurance.  That should scare you….BUT don’t quit just yet! There is a …

Lemonade…Hippo…General…What Are These, And Should You Be Worried?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

I spent the entire day today decluttering my house and freeing up space for CLARITY.  Too many things does not always lead to happiness, in fact many times all of that STUFF  can lead to overwhelm and complexity.  Yet, that is not my message for you today. As I listened to Pandora radio today while working on cleaning and organizing, …

Life Insurance Power Phrases (Focus For Life Insurance Agents)

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Today, my focused messaged is to give you some insights and power phrases you can utilize in your Insurance Agency to pivot and start conversations around Life Insurance. You can be remembered by your family as that wonderful man who left them financially secure or you can leave them nothing.  I guarantee that if you do either, they will never …

Blockbuster, Circuit City, Toys R Us, Borders Book Store…..ARE YOU NEXT?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

I hope that the title of this Daily Message caught your attention.  FOUR MAJOR BUSINESS….THAT ARE GONE!   Our Industry is not exempt from the ever-changing dynamics of a Global Technology driven marketplace and the ease of information and resources made available by technological advances occurring every minute of every single day.  Google only recently suspended (not cancelled) their endeavours into the …

Why Are You Reading This?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Today I ponder a question to you that I believe will prove extremely valuable in your Business. I chose to start this Daily Blog page about 45 days ago and my list is growing every day and expanding.  Why?  The answer to this question will give you insight in ways to expand your Insurance Business or any business for that …

How To Interview…AND How To Be Interviewed (VIDEO)

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

CHECK OUT TODAY’S VIDEO. In my experience in working in the Insurance Industry this has been what I have found.  “I am great at selling Insurance and talking with clients, yet I am not the best at hiring Team Members, interviewing them and managing employees.” Many of the Insurance Agents that I have coached need help with interviewing Team Members.  …

INSURANCE…A Piece of Paper and a PROMISE

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Today,  I thought I would go back to the basics of what Insurance truly is. As I sit here in a local Starbucks writing today’s message it allowed me the ability to reflect on my surroundings.  People working on Mac computers, Iphones, iPads and mulitiple other laptops.  As people pull up in their BMWs, Mercedes Benz and Range Rovers (Orange …

Be Unique In Your Business

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

A few days back I discussed the idea of your Unique Selling Proposition and the “Four Questions Your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) Can and Should Answer” Why should I listen to you? Why should I do business with you instead of anybody and everybody else? What can your product do for me that no other product can do? What can …

Are You The Fish Or Are You the Voyeur?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

An interesting phenomenon happening while I’m on vacation at a beach house.  We sit in the house and watch as people walk by staring at us inside this beach house on the sand.  It made me realize we are like the fish inside of a fish bowl with people staring at us as if we were in the bowl. This …