Are you an Automated Agency OR an Antiquated Agency?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Have you ever been sitting behind your computer screen and you get that DEJA VU feeling?  Like I have sent this email before, I have sent this same exact follow-up message,  I have sent the same thank you email, the same birthday greeting and/or even this same holiday message?  If you have felt this feeling it is probably your reality …

5 Powerful Keys To Prospect Or Perish

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Are you a professional learner, professional student? Are you hear to learn more about Insurance? There is a good chance that is your reality…well today we are going to challenge that reality and make you uncomfortable for your EXPANSION! The Success or Failure of your Agency will hinder on one thing and ONE THING ONLY!  #1 Your Ability To Consistently …

5 Crucial Keys To Build A Team

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

In the Insurance Industry and most Small Business the key to sustainable, long-term growth is the ability to develop a Team around the business. Here are the Top 5 Keys To Build Your Team. Always Be Recruiting-successful businesses are always searching for talent. Your strength in your Agency/Business is in the ability to have a pool of candidates to call …