Slow Down…To Move Fast!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Are you running your Insurance Agency at a pace that is unsustainable? Your Agency/Business for those of you that are Insurance Agents but also applies to anyone reading this message that does not currently own an Insurance Agency or Business is and will always be built on systems and routines. A good analogy to utilize today in grasping this concept …

Life Awareness Month….Needs Analysis Revisited

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Happy Friday and in Recognition of September Life Insurance Awareness Month, I thought it would be a good time to revisit a previous post I did “Life Insurance Needs Analysis” You can access it here: The Key Concept of this Simple Life Needs Analysis is this: D.                   I.          …

Life Insurance Awareness Month….Appointment Setting Script CONTACT FOR DOWNLOADED VERSION

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

In recognition for September being Life Insurance Awareness Month, I wanted to share a successful script we have utilized to schedule Family Protection Plan appointments (Life Insurance Appointments.   It can be utilized for those Agencies that have a Life Insurance Specialist in their office and/or for those Agencies where the Agency Owner is the Life Insurance Specialist. IF YOU LIKE …

The Best Life Insurance Policy….PERIOD!!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Tonight I come to all of you with some exciting news, I have found the BEST Life Insurance Policy Available in the Market and I am 100% sure that each of your Carriers offers this product in their portfolio.  It is called the IFAD policy.  Have you sold this policy before or even heard about it? Most people in our Industry discuss …

Lemonade…Hippo…General…What Are These, And Should You Be Worried?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

I spent the entire day today decluttering my house and freeing up space for CLARITY.  Too many things does not always lead to happiness, in fact many times all of that STUFF  can lead to overwhelm and complexity.  Yet, that is not my message for you today. As I listened to Pandora radio today while working on cleaning and organizing, …

Blockbuster, Circuit City, Toys R Us, Borders Book Store…..ARE YOU NEXT?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

I hope that the title of this Daily Message caught your attention.  FOUR MAJOR BUSINESS….THAT ARE GONE!   Our Industry is not exempt from the ever-changing dynamics of a Global Technology driven marketplace and the ease of information and resources made available by technological advances occurring every minute of every single day.  Google only recently suspended (not cancelled) their endeavours into the …

Are You Uncompetitive??…..Know Your Facts, You May Be Surprised!

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Happy Monday to all who are reading today’s message.  As I prepare to start this week, I wanted to share something with you that was shared with me today around my business that I believe you may find valuable. How often do you find yourself saying this, “My Company is too expensive or I am uncompetitive.”  As a person that works …

The Client Review…Your #1 KEY to Long Term Success (Part 2 of 2)

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

STOP!! If you missed Part 1, go back and read that post first. In that post I discussed the value of the Client Review, what the review should be based on (NOT A SALES CALL), and even shared a sample script to schedule the Client Review. Today, in Part 2 we will discuss the actual Client Review process.  Before I …

The Client Review….Your #1 KEY to Long Term Success (Part 1 of 2)

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

As I continue to develop this Daily Blog page and gather information from my Subscribers, a common thread has been coming through recently, “How To Do A Client Review” Let me first say, I will be making this a Video based training in the next couple weeks…SO KEEP YOUR EYES OUT FOR THAT.  At the same time I did not …

Hump Day…Or Just Another Day?

John LuceroDaily Sales Idea Leave a Comment

Today is Wednesday…what many call Hump Day, huh?  What does hump day symbolize for you when you think about it?  For many, many people (predominantly employees) they look at Hump Day as the midpoint of the week, you are half way through the week and almost to the weekend. As I sit here on vacation thinking about today as the …